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United Kingdom Schema Therapy Training Programs

Agnes Sullivan

Visit: Schema Therapy Institute, London

Drs. Tara Cutland Green and Gillian Heath

VisitSchema Therapy Associates 

Vartouhi Ohanian

VisitSchema Therapy UK

Dr. Arnie Reed

Schema Therapy Workshops

Dr. Kerry Beckley & Dr. Chris Harrop

Schema Therapy Solutions, UK

Dr. Susan Simpson

Visit: Schema Therapy Scotland

Dr. Helen Startup & Janis Briedis

visit: Schema Therapy School

Drs. Ruth McCutcheon & Saskia Ohlin

Visit: Academy of Schema Therapy

Dr.  Olwyn Matier

Visit: Schema Therapy NI

Mandy Walsh

Visit: Schema Therapy Wales

Director: Richard Mathews

Co-Director: Dr Michelle Fong

Visit: Schema Therapy Systems

Mandy Walsh

Visit: Schema Therapy For Couples UK

Dr. Ruth McCutcheon

Visit: London Academy of Schema Therapy for Couples

Director: Dr.  Kate Williams & Dr. Jo White

Visit: Schema Therapy Works

Director:  Florian Ruths
Co-Director: Lorraine Gordon

Visit: NHS South London and Maudsley

Why Schema Therapy?

Schema therapy has been extensively researched to effectively treat a wide variety of typically treatment resistant conditions, including Borderline Personality Disorder and Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Read our summary of the latest research comparing the dramatic results of schema therapy compared to other standard models of psychotherapy.

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